SC17 Denver, CO

Workshop Presentations

    WORKS 2017 (12th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science)

  1. Introduction - WORKS 2017 (12th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science)
  2. Budget-Aware Scheduling Algorithms for Scientific Workflows on IaaS Cloud Platforms Yves Robert (ENS Lyon, University of Tennessee)
  3. Tracking of Online Parameter Fine-Tuning in Scientific Workflows Marta Mattoso (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
  4. Toward Preserving Results Confidentiality in Cloud-Based Scientific Workflows Daniel de Oliveira (Fluminense Federal University)
  5. Supporting Task-level Fault-Tolerance in HPC Workflows by Launching MPI Jobs inside MPI Jobs Matthieu Dorier (Argonne National Laboratory)
  6. A Compiler Transformation-Based Approach to Scientific Workflow Enactment Matthias Janetschek (University of Innsbruck)
  7. e-Science Central Workflows for Stream Processing: Adding Streaming Support to an Existing Workflow System Simon Woodman (Newcastle University)
  8. rvGAHP – Push-Based Job Submission Using Reverse SSH Connections Scott Callaghan (University of Southern California)
  9. E-HPC: A Library for Elastic Resource Management in HPC Environments Devarshi Ghoshal (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), William Fox (Georgia Institute of Technology; University of California, San Francisco)
  10. Processing of Crowd-Sourced Data from an Internet of Floating Things Raffaele Montella (Parthenope University of Naples)
  11. Lightweight Container Integration into Workflow Systems: A First Look at Singularity and Makeflow Kyle Sweeney (University of Notre Dame)
  12. On the Use of Burst Buffers for Accelerating Data-Intensive Scientific Workflows Rafael Ferreira da Silva (University of Southern California)
  13. Extreme Scale Data Management for In-Situ Scientific Workflows Manish Parashar (Rutgers University)
  14. Heuristic Dynamic Workflow Scheduling Kris Bubendorfer (Victoria University of Wellington)
  15. 1st International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Correctness 2017)

  16. Introduction - 1st International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Correctness 2017)
  17. Verifying Concurrency in an Adaptive Ocean Circulation Model Alper Altuntas (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
  18. Quality Assurance and Error Identification for the Community Earth System Model Allison H. Baker (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
  19. A Family of Provably Correct Algorithms for Exact Triangle Counting Tze Meng Low (Carnegie Mellon University)
  20. Verifying MPI Applications with SimGridMC Martin Quinson (ENS Rennes)
  21. Runtime Correctness Checking for Emerging Programming Paradigms Joachim Protze (RWTH Aachen University)
  22. Verifying the Floating-Point Computation Equivalence of Manually and Automatically Differentiated Code Markus Schordan (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  23. Towards Self-Verification in Finite Difference Code Generation Jan Huckelheim (Imperial College, London)
  24. ESPM2 2017: Third International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware

  25. ESPM2'17: Opening Remarks Hari Subramoni (Ohio State University), Karl Schulz (Intel Corporation), Dhabaleswar Panda (Ohio State University)
  26. Challenges in Programming Extreme Scale Systems William Gropp (University of Illinois)
  27. Addressing Global Data Dependencies in Heterogeneous Asynchronous Runtime Systems on GPUs Bradley Peterson (University of Utah, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute)
  28. HPX Smart Executors Zahra Khatami (Louisiana State University)
  29. Integrating OpenMP into the Charm++ Programming Model Seonmyeong Bak (University of Illinois)
  30. Chapel-on-X: Exploring Tasking Runtimes for PGAS Languages Akihiro Hayashi (Rice University)
  31. Automatic Risk-Based Selective Redundancy for Fault-Tolerant Task-Parallel HPC Applications Omer Subasi (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
  32. Verification of the Extended Roofline Model for Asynchronous Many Task Runtimes Joshua Suetterlein (University of Delaware)
  33. Extending the Open Community Runtime with External Application Support Jiri Dokulil (University of Vienna)
  34. Effective Programming Models for Deep Learning at Scale Daniel Holmes (University of Edinburgh), Michael Houston (Nvidia Corporation), Prabhat M (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Jeffrey M. Squyres (Cisco Systems), Rick Stevens (Argonne National Laboratory)
  35. ESPM2'17: Closing Remarks Hari Subramoni (Ohio State University), Karl Schulz (Intel Corporation), Dhabaleswar K. Panda (Ohio State University)
  36. ISAV 2017: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization

  37. Introduction - ISAV 2017: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization E. Wes Bethel (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  38. Keynote: Computing Ubiquitous Statistics: Computational Challenges
  39. Scalable In Situ Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Preeti Malakar (Argonne National Laboratory)
  40. In Situ Visualization of Radiation Transport Geometry Mark Kim (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  41. Cosmological Particle Data Compression in Practice James Ahrens (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  42. Flexible In Situ Visualization of LAMMPS Simulations Will Usher (University of Utah)
  43. realfast@VLA Martin Pokorny (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
  44. In Situ Visualization with Task-Based Parallelism Alan Heirich (Stanford University, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
  45. In Situ Workflows at Exascale: System Software to the Rescue
  46. A Novel Shard-Based Approach for Asynchronous Many-Task Models for In Situ Analysis Philippe P. Pébaÿ (Sandia National Laboratories)
  47. Faodail: Enabling In Situ Analytics for Next-Generation Systems Patrick M. Widener (Sandia National Laboratories)
  48. Parallel Streaming for In Transit Analysis with Heterogeneous Data Layout Thomas Marrinan (University of St. Thomas)
  49. In Situ Summarization with VTK-m Andrew Bauer (Kitware Inc)
  50. Performance Impacts of In Situ Wavelet Compression on Scientific Simulations Shaomeng Li (National Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Oregon)
  51. The ALPINE In Situ Infrastructure: Ascending from the Ashes of Strawman Matthew C. Larsen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  52. Data Analysis of Earth System Simulation within an In Situ Infrastructure
  53. Discussion/Open Mic Session/Closing Remarks
  54. The 2017 International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing in Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (SE-CoDeSE 2017)

  55. Introduction - The 2017 International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing in Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (SE-CoDeSE 2017)
  56. Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering: What Can Work and What Will Not Michael A. Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories, St. John’s University)
  57. Position Paper: Experiences on Clustering High-Dimensional Data Using pbdR Sadika Amreen (University of Tennessee)
  58. Position Paper: Software Engineering for Efficient Development of Flexible Numerical Software Nathan Wukie (University of Cincinnati)
  59. pFlogger: The Parallel Fortran Logging Framework for HPC Applications Thomas Clune (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  60. Proposal for a Scientific Software Lifecycle Model Anshu Dubey (Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago)
  61. The Eighth International Workshop on Data-Intensive Computing in the Clouds

  62. Introduction - The Eighth International Workshop on Data-Intensive Computing in the Clouds
  63. Submarine: A Subscription-Based Data Streaming Framework for Integrating Large Facilities and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Daniel Balouek-Thomert (Rutgers University)
  64. Enosis: Bridging the Semantic Gap between File-Based and Object-Based Data Models Anthony Kougkas (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  65. Open Ethernet Drive: Evolution of Energy-Efficient Storage Technology Hariharan Devarajan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  66. Multiple Stream Job Performance Optimization with Source Operator Graph Transformations Miyuru Dayarathna (WSO2 Inc)
  67. Reliable Access to Massive Restricted Texts: Experience-Based Evaluation Zong Peng (Indiana University)
  68. Seamless Infrastructure Customization and Performance Optimization for Time-Critical Services in Data Infrastructures Spiros Koulouzis (University of Amsterdam), Zhiming Zhao (University of Amsterdam)
  69. Women in HPC: Diversifying the HPC Community

  70. Introduction - Women in HPC: Diversifying the HPC Community
  71. Self Branding and Advocacy: How to Get Known in Your Organization and Push Your Ideas Forward Kelly Nolan (Talent Strategy)
  72. Early Career Coaching
  73. Morning Break
  74. Negotiation Skills Deb Goldfarb (Intel Corporation)
  75. Hints and Tips for Public Speaking Kelly Gaither (University of Texas)
  76. How to Take the Next Step in Your Career Elsa Gonsiorowski (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  77. Effective Workplace Communication Rebecca Hartman-Baker (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  78. Overcoming the Confidence Gap Fernanda Foertter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  79. How to Find the Help You Need – Identifying Mentors and Those Who Can Help You in Your Career Misbah Mubarak (Argonne National Laboratory)
  80. Career Panel Discussion: Hints and Tips to Progress Your Career Toni Collis (University of Edinburgh), Kelly Gaither (University of Texas), Deb Goldfarb (Intel Corporation), Elsa Gonsiorowski (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Rebecca Hartman-Baker (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Fernanda Foertter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Misbah Mubarak (Argonne National Laboratory)
  81. Speed Networking
  82. Lunch (participants on their own)
  83. Early Career Lightning Talks
  84. Virtual Poster Networking and Mixer
  85. Afternoon Break
  86. Embracing Diversity: the Benefits Toni Collis (University of Edinburgh)
  87. The Benefits of Mentoring: Why and How to Set Up a Program Scott Callaghan (University of Southern California)
  88. Why Subtle Bias is Often Worse than Blatant Discrimination Lorna Rivera (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  89. Identifying the Roadblocks Facing Women in your Workforce Lee Beausoleil (US Department of Defense)
  90. Building a Community: Outreach Strategies for Coordinating a Local WHPC Program Marisa Brazil (Purdue University)
  91. From Outreach to Education to Researcher: Innovative Ways of Expanding the HPC Community Nick Brown (University of Edinburgh)
  92. Panel Discussion: Diversifying the HPC workforce Kelly Gaither (University of Texas), Toni Collis (University of Edinburgh), Scott Callaghan (University of Southern California), Lorna Rivera (Georgia Institute of Technology), Lee Beausoleil (US Department of Defense), Marisa Brazil (Purdue University), Nick Brown (University of Edinburgh)
  93. Workshop Outcomes and Closing Toni Collis (University of Edinburgh)
  94. Workshop on Memory Centric Programming for HPC

  95. Opening Remarks: MCHPC'17: Workshop on Memory Centric Programming for HPC Yonghong Yan (University of South Carolina)
  96. Keynote: Compiler and Runtime Challenges for Memory Centric Programming Vivek Sarkar (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  97. Break
  98. Invited Talk: Persistent Memory: The Value to HPC and the Challenges
  99. Bit Contiguous Memory Allocation for Processing In Memory John Leidel (Tactical Computing Laboratories)
  100. Beyond 16GB: Out-of-Core Stencil Computations Istvan Z. Reguly (Pazmany Peter Catholic University)
  101. NUMA Distance for Heterogeneous Memory Michael Lang (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  102. Evaluating GPGPU Memory Performance Through the C-AMAT Model Hariharan Devarajan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  103. 8th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems

  104. Introduction - 8th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems Vassil Alexandrov (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
  105. Keynote - Application Development Framework for Manycore Architectures on Post-Peta/Exascale Systems Kengo Nakajima (University of Tokyo)
  106. Dynamic Task Discovery in PaRSEC- A Data-Flow Task-Based Runtime Reazul Hoque (University of Tennessee)
  107. Keynote - Breakthrough Science at the Exascale Katherine Yelick (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  108. Flexible Batched Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on GPUs Hartwig Anzt (University of Tennessee, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
  109. Snowpack: Efficient Parameter Choice for GPU Kernels via Static Analysis and Statistical Prediction Ignacio Laguna (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  110. Leveraging NVLINK and Asynchronous Data Transfer to Scale Beyond the Memory Capacity of GPUs David Appelhans (IBM)
  111. Application of a Communication-Avoiding Generalized Minimal Residual Method to a Gyrokinetic Five Dimensional Eulerian Code on ManyCore Platforms Yasuhiro Idomura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
  112. Parallel Jaccard and Related Graph Clustering Techniques Alexandre Fender (Nvidia Corporation, University of Versailles)
  113. Keynote - An Overview of High Performance Computing and Challenges for the Future Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee)
  114. Investigating Half-Precision Arithmetic to Accelerate Dense Linear System Solvers Azzam Haidar (University of Tennessee)
  115. Keynote - A Holistic Approach to Advancing Science and Engineering through Extreme-Scale Computing Michael A. Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories)
  116. A Highly Scalable, Algorithm-Based Fault-Tolerant Solver for Gyrokinetic Plasma Simulations Michael Obersteiner (Technical University Munich)
  117. Analyzing the Criticality of Transient Faults-Induced SDCs on GPU Applications Paolo Rech (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
  118. Dynamic Load Balancing of Massively Parallel Unstructured Meshes Gerrett Diamond (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
  119. Invited Talk - On Improved Monte Carlo Hybrid Methods for Preconditioner Computations Vassil Alexandrov (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
  120. ATIP Workshop on International Exascale and Next-Generation Computing Programs

  121. Welcome and Introduction David Kahaner (Asian Technology Information Program)
  122. China’s New HPC Key Project Depei Qian (Beihang University, Sun Yat-Sen University)
  123. Redesigning CAM-SE for Peta-Flops Performance on Sunway TaihuLight Haohan Fu (Tsinghua University; National Supercomputing Center, Wuxi)
  124. Scalable Distributed Infrastructure for Data Intensive Science David Abramson (University of Queensland)
  125. TSUBAME3.0: A Green, Accelerated, Big-Data Supercomputer Toshio Endo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  126. HPC Initiatives in India Rupesh Nasre (Indian Institute of Science)
  127. KAUST’s HiCMA Library: Hierarchical Computations on Manycore Architectures
  128. National Strategic Computing Initiative William Harrod (US Department of Energy)
  129. Five-minute presentations by young researchers from around the world - part 1 Yulong Ao (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Hailong Yang (Beihang University), Jiajia Li (Georgia Institute of Technology), Hong Wang (Stony Brook University), Lihao Zhang (Stony Brook University), Minh Dinh (University of Queensland), Hoang Nguyen (University of Queensland), Kartik Lakhotia (University of Southern California)
  130. French HPC Ecosystem and Strategy and the Role of CEA Jean-Phillippe Nomine (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)
  131. European Initiative on HPC Mateo Valero (Barcelona)
  132. The AlgoWiki Project: an Algorithmic Pillar of Exascale Computing Vladimir Voevodin (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
  133. Thoughts on the Path Toward Exascale from a JSC Perspective Dirk Pleiter (Forschungszentrum Juelich, University of Regensburg)
  134. Swiss National Programs Thomas Schulthess (Swiss National Supercomputing Centre)
  135. ABCI - AI Bridging Cloud Infrastructure for Everyone Satoshi Sekiguchi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
  136. Five-minute presentations by young researchers from around the world - part 2 Teodor Nikolov (Marie Skłodowska Curie Initial Training Networks), Youenn Lebras (University of Versailles), Ilya Afanasyev (Lomonosov Moscow State University), Canstantino Gomez (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Daniel Ruiz (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Amani Alonazi (King Abdullah University of Science & Technology), Dalal Sukkari (King Abdullah University of Science & Technology), Saurabh Hukerikar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Rupesh Nasre (Indian Institutes of Technology,)
  137. Fourth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD)

  138. Introduction - Fourth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD) Guido Juckeland (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
  139. An Example of Porting PETSc Applications to Heterogeneous Platforms with OpenACC Pi-Yueh Chuang (George Washington University)
  140. Hybrid Fortran: High Productivity GPU Porting Framework Applied to Japanese Weather Prediction Model Michel Mueller (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  141. Implicit Low-Order Unstructured Finite-Element Multiple Simulation Enhanced by Dense Computation Using OpenACC Takuma Yamaguchi (University of Tokyo), Kohei Fujita (University of Tokyo, RIKEN)
  142. The Design and Implementation of OpenMP 4.5 and OpenACC Backends for the RAJA C++ Performance Portability Layer William Killian (Millersville University of Pennsylvania, University of Delaware)
  143. Enabling GPU Support for the COMPSs-Mobile Framework Francesc-Josep Lordan Gomis (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Polytechnic University of Catalonia)
  144. Exploration of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques for Runtime Selection of CPU vs GPU Execution in Java Programs Akihiro Hayashi (Rice University)
  145. Automatic Testing of OpenACC Applications Khalid Ahmad (University of Utah)
  146. Evaluation of Asynchronous Offloading Capabilities of Accelerator Programming Models for Multiple Devices Christian Terboven (RWTH Aachen University)
  147. IA^3 2017 - 7th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms

  148. Introduction - IA^3 2017 - 7th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms
  149. A Taxonomy of HPDA Algorithms Steve Conway (Hyperion Research)
  150. Accelerating Energy Games Solvers on Modern Architectures Andrea Formisano (University of Perugia)
  151. Overcoming Load Imbalance for Irregular Sparse Matrices Goran Flegar (Jaume I University)
  152. Progressive Load Balancing of Asynchronous Algorithms Justs Zarins (University of Edinburgh)
  153. Enabling Work-Efficiency for High Performance Vertex-Centric Graph Analytics on GPUs Farzad Khorasani (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  154. Parallel Depth-First Search for Directed Acyclic Graphs Maxim Naumov (Nvidia Corporation)
  155. Optimizing Word2Vec Performance on Multicore Systems Vasudevan Rengasamy (Pennsylvania State University)
  156. Spherical Region Queries on Multicore Architectures Hao Lu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  157. Quantum Computing and Irregular Applications Fred Chong (University of Chicago)
  158. An Efficient Data Layout Transformation Algorithm for Locality-Aware Parallel Sparse FFT Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware)
  159. A Case for Migrating Execution for Irregular Applications Peter Kogge (University of Notre Dame)
  160. Pressure-Driven Hardware Managed Thread Concurrency for Irregular Applications John Leidel (Texas Tech University)
  161. Evaluation of Knight Landing High Bandwidth Memory for HPC Workloads Yonghong Yan (University of South Carolina)
  162. IA^3 Debate Ruud Van Der Pas (Oracle), Franz Franchetti (Carnegie Mellon University), Eric Van Hensbergen (ARM Ltd), Richard Vuduc (GeorGgia Institute of Technology)
  163. LLVM-HPC2017: Fourth Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC

  164. Introduction - LLVM-HPC2017: Fourth Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC
  165. Heterogeneous Parallel Virtual Machine and Parallelism in LLVM Vikram Adve (University of Illinois)
  166. How The Flang Frontend Works - Introduction to the Interior of the Open-Source Fortran Frontend for LLVM Paul Osmialowski (ARM Ltd)
  167. Benchmarking and Evaluating Unified Memory for OpenMP GPU Offloading Lingda Li (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
  168. PACXXv2 + RV -- An LLVM-Based Portable High-Performance Programming Model Michael Haidl (University of Munster)
  169. OpenMPIR George Stelle (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  170. An LLVM Instrumentation Plug-In for Score-P Ronny Tschueter (Technical University Dresden)
  171. QUARC: An Optimized DSL Framework Using LLVM Diptorup Deb (University of North Carolina)
  172. Implementing Implicit OpenMP Data Sharing on GPUs Gheorghe-Teodor Bercea (IBM)
  173. Applying Temporal Blocking with a Directive-Based Approach Toshio Endo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  174. LLVM Compiler Implementation for Explicit Parallelization and SIMD Vectorization Xinmin Tian (Intel Corporation)
  175. OpenMP 4.5 Validation and Verification Suite Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware)
  176. Developing an OpenMP Runtime for UVM-Capable GPUs Hashim Sharif (University of Illinois)
  177. Improved Loop Distribution in LLVM Using Polyhedral Dependences Tobias Grosser (ETH Zurich)
  178. Implementation of a Cache Miss Calculator in LLVM/Polly Keyur Joshi (University of Illinois)
  179. Machine Learning in HPC Environments

  180. Introduction - Machine Learning in HPC Environments
  181. Leadership AI - Keynote by Jack Wells - Director of Science - Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility
  182. TensorQuant - A Simulation Toolbox for Deep Neural Network Quantization Dominik Marek Loroch (Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics)
  183. An Efficient Task-Based All-Reduce for Machine Learning Applications Zhenyu Li (University of Warwick)
  184. Accelerating Deep Neural Network Learning for Speech Recognition on a Cluster of GPUs Guojing Cong (IBM)
  185. Optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Cloud Detection
  186. Production Deep Learning and Scale - Keynote by Mike Houston - Senior Distinguished Engineer - Deep Learning - Nvidia
  187. Training Distributed Deep Recurrent Neural Networks with Mixed Precision on GPU Clusters Alexey Svyatkovskiy (Princeton University)
  188. Toward Scalable Parallel Training of Deep Neural Networks Sam Ade Jacobs (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  189. BlazingText: Scaling and Accelerating Word2Vec using Multiple GPUs
  190. An In-Depth Performance Characterization of CPU- and GPU-Based DNN Training on Modern Architectures Ammar Ahmad Awan (Ohio State University)
  191. Designing a Synchronization-Reducing Clustering Method on Manycores: Some Issues and Improvements Weijian Zheng (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)
  192. Evolving Deep Networks Using HPC
  193. PAW 2017: The 2nd Annual PGAS Applications Workshop

  194. Introduction - PAW 2017: The 2nd Annual PGAS Applications Workshop
  195. Keynote: Shared Memory HPC Programming: Past, Present and Future
  196. Cosmological Particle-Mesh Simulations in Chapel Nikhil Padmanabhan (Yale University)
  197. Graph500 on OpenSHMEM: Using A Practical Survey of Past Work to Motivate Novel Algorithmic Developments Max Grossman (Rice University)
  198. Preliminary Performance Evaluation of Coarray-based Implementation of Fiber Miniapp Suite Using XcalableMP PGAS Language Hitoshi Murai (RIKEN)
  199. Performance Portability of an Intermediate-Complexity Atmospheric Research Model in Coarray Fortran Damian Rouson (Sourcery Institute)
  200. Keynote: How Does PGAS Collaborate with MPI+X? Mitsuhisa Sato (RIKEN)
  201. PGAS Applications Workshop Panel Katherine Yelick (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), William Carlson (Institute for Defense Analyses), Bradford Chamberlain (Cray Inc), Damian Rouson (Sourcery Institute), Mitsuhisa Sato (RIKEN), Anton Shterenlikht (University of Bristol), Lauren Smith (US Department of Defense)
  202. The 8th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS17)

  203. Introduction - The 8th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS17) Simon D. Hammond (Sandia National Laboratories)
  204. Evaluating On-Node GPU Interconnects for Deep Learning Workloads Nathan Tallent (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
  205. Modeling UGAL on the Dragonfly Topology Md Atiqul Mollah (Florida State University)
  206. A Performance Study of Quantum ESPRESSO's PWscf Code on Multi-Core and GPU Systems Joshua Romero (Nvidia Corporation)
  207. Comparison of Parallelization Approaches, Languages, and Compilers for Unstructured Mesh Algorithms on GPUs Gabor Daniel Balogh (Pazmany Peter Catholic University)
  208. Path-Synchronous Performance Monitoring in HPC Interconnection Networks with Source-Code Attribution Adarsh Yoga (Rutgers University, Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
  209. Performance and Energy Usage of Workloads on KNL and Haswell Architectures Tyler Allen (Clemson University)
  210. A Survey of Application Memory Usage on a National Supercomputer: An Analysis of Memory Requirements on ARCHER Andrew Turner (University of Edinburgh), Simon McIntosh-Smith (University of Bristol)
  211. Resilient N-Body Tree Computations with Algorithm-Based Focused Recovery: Model and Performance Analysis Aurelien Cavelan (University of Basel)
  212. Multi-Fidelity Surrogate Modeling for Application/Architecture Co-Design Aravind Neelakantan (University of Florida)
  213. Modeling Large Compute Nodes with Heterogeneous Memories with the Cache-Aware Roofline Model Nicolas Denoyelle (French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA))
  214. A Scalable Analytical Memory Model for CPU Performance Prediction Gopinath Chennupati (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  215. A Slurm Simulator: Implementation and Parametric Analysis Nikolay A. Simakov (University at Buffalo)
  216. Periodic I/O Scheduling for Supercomputers Guillaume Aupy (French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA))
  217. Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC)

  218. Introduction - Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC)
  219. Vistas in Advanced Computing Peggy Lindner (University of Houston), Andrea Prosperetti (University of Houston)
  220. A Path from Serial Execution to Hybrid Parallelization for Learning HPC
  221. Multidisciplinary Education on Big Data + HPC + Atmospheric Sciences
  222. Teaching, Learning and Collaborating through Cloud Computing Online Classes
  223. Teaching Parallel Computing with Container Virtualization Joshua Higgins (University of Huddersfield)
  224. The OLCF GPU Hackathon Series: The Story Behind Advancing Scientific Applications with a Sustained Impact
  225. Parallware Trainer: Interactive Tool for Experiential Learning of Parallel Programming Using OpenMP and OpenACC Manuel Arenaz (University of A Coruña and Appentra Solutions)
  226. Lowering Barriers into HPC through Open Education
  227. A Proposed Model for Teaching Advanced Parallel Computing and Related Topics
  228. "Peachy Assignments:" A New Edu* Conference Component David Bunde (Knox College)
  229. Keynote: Teaching Sound Principles and Good Practices for Parallel Algorithms. Kunal Agrawal (Washington University in St. Louis)
  230. Panel: Attracting Women and Underrepresented Minorities to HPC and Data Science Martina Barnas (Indiana University), Trilce Estrada (University of New Mexico), Sally Goldman (Google)
  231. Revisions to NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum on Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) for Undergraduate Education - Updates on the Curriculum Revision and Audience Comments Sushil K. Prasad (Georgia State University and NSF), Charles Weems (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
  232. 4th International Workshop on Visual Performance Analytics – VPA 2017

  233. Introduction - 4th International Workshop on Visual Performance Analytics – VPA 2017
  234. VPA Keynote by Lucy Nowell
  235. Toward Aggregated Grain Graphs Ananya Muddukrishna (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
  236. Panel Discussion: Challenges and the Future of HPC Performance Visualization
  237. Projecting Performance Data Over Simulation Geometry Using SOSflow and Alpine
  238. Visualizing, Measuring, and Tuning Adaptive MPI Parameters
  239. MTAGS17: 10th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and Supercomputers

  240. Introduction - MTAGS17: 10th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and Supercomputers Ke Wang (Microsoft), Vani Mandava (Microsoft)
  241. Keynote: Cloud based systems and challenges for data rich research workloads Vani Mandava (Microsoft Research)
  242. Automated Cluster Provisioning And Workflow Management for Parallel Scientific Applications in the Cloud.
  243. Two stage cluster for resource optimization with Apache Mesos
  244. Scylla: A Mesos Framework for Container Based MPI Jobs
  245. Syndesis: Bridging the Semantic Gap between Object-based and File-based Data Models
  246. The 2nd International Workshop on Data Reduction for Big Scientific Data (DRBSD-2)

  247. Introduction - The 2nd International Workshop on Data Reduction for Big Scientific Data (DRBSD-2)
  248. SKA: The Data Domino Enabled by DALiuGE Andreas Wicenec (University of Western Australia, International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research)
  249. An Efficient Approach to Lossy Compression with Pointwise Relative Error Bound Sheng Di (Argonne National Laboratory)
  250. Data Reduction and Partitioning in an Extreme Scale GPU-Based Clustering Algorithm Benjamin Welton (University of Wisconsin)
  251. MGARD: A Multilevel Technique for Compression of Floating-Point Data Mark Ainsworth (Brown University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  252. Facing the Big Data Challenge in the Fusion Code XGC Choongseok Chang (Princeton University)
  253. Adaptive Compression to Improve I/O Performance for Climate Simulations Swati Singhal (University of Maryland)
  254. Lean Visualization of Large Scale Tree-Based AMR Meshes Philippe P. Pébaÿ (NexGen Analytics)
  255. Contextual Compression of Large-Scale Wind Turbine Array Simulations Kenny Gruchalla (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

SC17 Archive