The SC tutorials program is one of the highlights of the SC Conference series, and it is one of the largest tutorial programs at any computing-related conference in the world. It offers attendees the chance to learn from and to interact with leading experts in the most popular areas of high performance computing (HPC), networking, […]
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SC17 Deadline Alert: Tutorial Submissions Deadline is Monday, April 24th
The SC17 Tutorials Committee is soliciting proposals for full-day (six hours) or a half-day (three hours) tutorials in a wide range of topics. Click here for details. Honoraria and travel support are provided and are shared among tutorial presenters. Tutorial proposals must be submitted electronically via online using a combination of web form and file upload. The final […]
SC17 Tutorial Deadline is Monday – April 17th
Context and scope: The SC tutorials program is one of the highlights of the SC Conference series, and it is one of the largest tutorial programs at any computing-related conference in the world. It offers attendees the chance to learn from and to interact with leading experts in the most popular areas of high performance […]
SC17 Tutorial Submissions Due April 17
The SC17 Tutorials Committee is soliciting proposals for full-day (six hours) or a half-day (three hours) tutorials in a wide range of topics; click here for details. Honoraria and travel support are provided and are shared among tutorial presenters. The SC Tutorials Program is one of the largest such programs among computing-related conferences worldwide. It […]
Call for Tutorial Submissions – Deadline April 17, 2017 (11:59 pm Anywhere on Earth)
SC tutorials is one of the largest tutorial programs at any computing-related conference in the world. It offers attendees the chance to learn from and to interact with leading experts in the most popular areas of high performance computing, networking, and storage. SC tutorials cover a wide range of topics in the following areas (as […]
Breaking News Alert – Many SC17 Submissions Areas Open Now
It’s officially on! Submissions are now open for many SC17 conference program areas. A quick glance of SC17 programs dates and deadlines are below. To submit your work visit: click here. Early Career Program February 16, 2017: Applications open July 31, 2017: Applications close September 1, 2017: Decision notifications Tutorials Web Submissions Open: February 16, […]
Reminder: SC16 Tutorials Submissions due Sunday, April 17
Are you willing to share your HPC experience or expertise with others? SC16 is currently accepting proposals for half- and full-day tutorials. However, the deadline for submitting tutorials is approaching rapidly – Sunday, April 17. Please click here for more information about what a proposal should include and how to submit it. Submissions due: Sunday, […]