Less than four months remain until SC17, but you can still be a big part of the conference. Listed below are remaining opportunities to get involved and their respective deadlines. ________________________________________ Early Career Program July 31, 2017: Applications close ________________________________________ Exhibitor Forum August 15, 2017: Submissions deadline ________________________________________ Research Posters July 31, 2017: Poster Submission […]
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Alert: Emerging Technologies Submission Deadline is Saturday, July 1st
The Emerging Technologies Showcase features innovative solutions that may significantly improve and extend the world of HPC in the next five to 15 years. For SC17, these technologies are expected to include neuromorphic and deep learning accelerators, reconfigurable and approximate computing devices and systems, new SoC designs, 3D and non-volatile memory technologies, alternative programming languages, […]
Alert: Emerging Technologies Showcase Submissions Deadline is July 1st
Submissions for the SC17 Emerging Technologies Showcase are being accepted through Saturday, July 1. The Emerging Technologies Showcase features innovative solutions that may significantly improve and extend the world of HPC in the next five to 15 years. For SC17, these technologies are expected to include neuromorphic and deep learning accelerators, reconfigurable and approximate computing […]
Deadline Alert: Emerging Technologies Showcase Submissions Due July 1st
In the Emerging Technologies track of the Technical Program, SC17 will examine innovative solutions that may significantly improve and extend the world of HPC in the next five to fifteen years. Consisting of carefully selected exhibits and presentations, Emerging Technologies will showcase technologies that are innovative from industry, government labs or initiatives, and academia but […]
Breaking News Alert – Many SC17 Submissions Areas Open Now
It’s officially on! Submissions are now open for many SC17 conference program areas. A quick glance of SC17 programs dates and deadlines are below. To submit your work visit: click here. Early Career Program February 16, 2017: Applications open July 31, 2017: Applications close September 1, 2017: Decision notifications Tutorials Web Submissions Open: February 16, […]