A seldom-seen photo during the blackout inside the Reno convention center at the Student Cluster Competition area. SCinet’s Year of Epic Power Outages and Road Construction SCinet, the world’s fastest network built each year for the SC conference by SC volunteers, has a heritage of heroic stories about installing, bringing up, operating and managing networks […]
Archives for May 2015
SC15 Student Volunteers Program: Apply now! Deadline is June 1st
Student volunteers are a key component of each SC conference. The SC15 Student Volunteers program is still accepting applications, but the deadline to submit is Monday June 1. Student Volunteers play a key role in supporting the conference, and this year the program is expanding both in the number of volunteer participants and the quality […]
SC15 Selects Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Program for the Test of Time Award
Austin, TX – May 20, 2015 –The Supercomputing Conference (SC15) Test of Time Award Committee has recognized “The NAS Parallel Benchmarks – Summary and Preliminary Results” written by D. Bailey, E. Barszcz, J. Barton, D. Browning, R. Carter, L. Dagum, R. Fatoohi, P. Frederickson, T. Lasinski, R. Schreiber, H. Simon, V. Venkatakrishnan, and S. Weeratunga […]
Nominations for SC15 Cray, Fernbach and Kennedy Awards due July 1
AUSTIN, Texas–Each year, the global supercomputing community honors a handful of the leading contributors to the field with the presentation of the IEEE Seymour Cray Computer Science and Engineering Award, the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award and the ACM-IEEE Ken Kennedy Award. Nominations for these awards to be presented at SC15 in Austin are now […]
SC15 Video Highlights Cutting-Edge Brain Simulations that help Parkinson’s Patients
An enlightening video series launched by the SC conference steering committee in 2013 aims to illustrate how high performance computing is impacting everyday life – from manufacturing to storm prediction to the making of Hollywood blockbusters. The latest in the series is a short video highlighting the innovative work being done at the University of […]